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Psychic Pokemon
Psychic Pokemon
In the anime, there are 18 types of Pokemons; normal type, fighting type, flying type, poison type, ground type, rock type, bug type, ghost type, steel type, fire type, water type, electric type, grass type, ice type, dragon type, fairy type, dark type and psychic type.
Here is a list of notable pokemon trainers:
Sabrina of Saffron City; Gym leader
Will of Indigo Plateau Elite Four
Caitlin of the Battle Castle and the Unova Elite Four
Tate and Liza of Mossdeep City; Gym leader
Faba of the Aether Foundation
Olympia of Anistar City
Lucian of the Sinnoh Elite
And here is a list of psychic type pokemons:
Raichu #026
Abra #063
Kadabra #064
Alakazam #065
Slowpoke #079
Slowbro #080
Drowzy #096
Hypno #097
Exeggcute #102
Exeggutor #103
Starmie #121
Mr. Mime #122
Jynx #124
Mewtwo #150
Mew #151
Natu #177
Xatu #178
Espeon #196
Slowking #199
Unown #201
Wobbuffet #202
Girafarig #203
Smoochum #238
Lugia #249
Celebi #251
Ralts #280
Kirlia #281
Gardevoir #282
Meditite #307
Medicham #308
Spoink #325
Grumping #326
Lunatone #337
Solrock #338
Baltoy #343
Claydol #344
Chimecho #358
Wynaut #360
Beldum #374
Metang #375
Metagross #376
Latias #380
Latios #381
Jirachi #385
Deoxys #386
Chingling #433
Bronzor #436
Bronzong #437
Mime Jr. #439
Gallade #475
Uxie #480
Mesprit #481
Azelf #482
Cresselia #488
Victini #494
Munna #517
Musharna #518
Woobat #527
Swoobat #528
Darmanitan #555
Sigilyph #561
Gothita #574
Gothorita #575
Gothitelle #576
Solosis #577
Duosion #578
Reuniclus #579
Elgyem #605
Beheeyem #606
Meloetta #648
Delphox #655
Espurr #677
Meowstic #678
Inkay #686
Malamar #687
Hoopa #720
Oricorio #741
Oranguru #765
Bruxish #779
Tapu Lele #786
Cosmog #789
Comoem #790
Solgaleo #791
Lunala #792
Necrozma #800
The psychic type is considered absolutely strong, but just like anyone else, they also have weaknesses. In the first generation of pokemon, they have been overpowered by bug types, although they are stronger than ghost types as the attacks of ghost type pokemons have no effect on them.
It seems that psychic type pokemons are not much on the defense side, they can be pretty offensive though. Their resistance is not that strong; they can only resist fighting type pokemons and psychic type pokemons such as themselves. Their attacks are most effective against fighting type and poison type pokemons but not so much on steel type and dark type pokemons.
They have a high special defense stat and their attacks tend to have supporting effects such as skill swap, reflect, trick room and light screen. These effects could affect both themselves and their teammates, allowing them to have a better chance of surviving and utilizing their attacks.
Here are some of the moves of psychic type pokemons
Agility – relaxes and lightens the body; increases speed
Amnesia – temporarily erases the user’s mind allowing them to raise their SP and defense
Barrier – throws up a wall for defense
Confusion – confuses the target with a telekinetic force
Hypnosis – the target will fall into deep sleep
Kinesis – bends a spoon to lower the target’s accuracy
Light screen – a wall of light that reduces the attack of the enemy
Meditate – awakens the power of the user
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