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Home > Psychic Blog > The Archangel Michael
The Archangel Michael
Angel Michael is closest to God in the Jewish writings as his name means “like unto the Lord.” He is the eldest archangel and is assigned to lead all of the Lord’s natural miracles like the rain, wind, fire, snow, thunder, lightning, and hail. Archangel Michael is thought by a lot of Jews to have appeared to Moses as the fire in the burning bush and to have aided Daniel from the lion’s lair.
In the bible of the Christians, Angel Michael is alleged to be the one who voiced to the Virgin Mary of her nearing death.
Since Angel Michael is the archangel of battle and the defender of heaven, he is seemed to be the patron saint of policemen also. This is stated because it is printed in the book of revelation that Michael will be the one to lead the Lord’s army in battle against the dragon and his angels at the last fight. A lot of people ask for help from the archangel to battle against wrong-doers on mother earth and everyone who needs security from physical or mystical foes. A lot has been reported also that they get a lot from keeping an Angel Michael novena candle burning at home.
The picture of Angel Michael holding a sword and/or stepping on a devil’s head shows the powerful side of Michael and how he is always equipped and ready for battle for he acts as the defender of heaven and earth against the eternal enmity of the Adversary. The illustrations also demonstrate the archangel’s power.
Because of his high place, holy cards, religious chromo prints, pewter holy medals and aluminium wallet card, candles and anointing oils bearing the image of Michael have always been in reach in many places for a very long time ever since. These products are utilized by spiritual practitioners who want to retain the appearance of him with them as they say their prayers and devotions. The lighting of a novena candle for the archangel is said to be protected by him as long as it is lighted and they say the ninety-first psalm.
According to the ancient Jewish beliefs, there are a total of seven archangels that represent each and every day of the week. The most popular are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel (Oriel). In African American voodoo folk magic or root work, two of the angels are connected to an influential natural curio named Angelica Root or Archangel Root. Archangel Michael is used with Angelica Root as a protector of women while Angel Gabriel is associated with the Angelica Root because it is used as a natural tonic for the female reproductive. They are also related to declarations of pregnancy.
Here is a prayer to be directed to archangel Michael for protection from evil:
Great Archangel Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke our enemies, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell the Adversary and all other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls.
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