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Home > Psychic Blog > Zenner Card Test - Testing Your Psychic Abilities
Zenner Card Test - Testing Your Psychic Abilities
Every one of us is a little bit of psychic. This is proved by the fact that we, at times, have an intuition about the identity of the caller when the telephone bell rings. Some vibrations in the air tell us what song is going to be played next on our radio.
At other times, we have premonitions of the impending events, for example, about the death or injury of our loved ones at the battle front. These kinds of ‘premonitions’ may also come about the good tidings like a letter of promotion or acceptance of our contract application.
But these psychic experiences do not occur frequently. Whenever they do occur, they do so on their own and not on our demand, or, through our conscious effort. This is what differentiates us from the gifted psychics. A psychic can predict the course of events fairly accurately. His predictive powers remain at his beck and call.
If you wish to harness your latent psychic ability, you need to undergo psychic test to understand how much of a psychic you are. This understanding may help you to make a right kind of effort to develop your psychic powers.
One of the important psychic tests was developed by Dr. Karl Zenner who worked at the Duke University, North Carolina. He devised a set of cards that he used to measure the ability of extra-ordinary perception-ESP. Another person who contributed in developing psychic tests was Dr. J B Rhine. This is the most classic form of test.
The set of 25 cards consists of 5 sets of 5 cards each. Each card bears a symbol. The number of cards and sets may also be increased.
The symbols on the first set of five cards are made up of shapes such as a circle, square, triangle, star or wavy.
The second set is comprised of colors such as blue, red, green, purple and yellow.
The third set consists of five different faces of men and women.
The symbols on the other sets may be made of foods, number and letters and so on.
In Zenner card test, a person is asked to shuffle the cards in a random manner. Another person is asked to pull out a card from the pack and see its symbol. This person is called a sender (of message). He is asked to mentally send the message about the symbol on the card to yet another person who is called a recipient of the message. The recipient of the message is asked to guess the symbol on the card.
The sender and the recipient may sit in adjoining rooms or at some distance from each other. The basic criteria is that they should not be able to communicate with each other except by using their extra sensory powers.
The objective is to guess the symbol on the card telepathically. The recipient tries to guess what is on the mind of the sender. This attempt is repeated several times and scores are tabulated to assess the percentage of correct answers. This percentage tells the psychic ability of the recipient.
With the advent of the computers, the Zenner experiment can be done on the computer. The computer selects a card which appears on the screen. The person under the test cannot see the card as there is another card placed on the symbol bearing card selected by the computer. You are asked to make a guess about the symbol on the card. Thereafter the card symbol is revealed to you to let you know whether or not you made a right guess. This process is repeated for a given number of times and your correctness score is determined.
Many variations on such tests have been developed. For example, you may be asked whether you have a certain quality, say, a strong visual imagination. Or, do your dreams come true? Have you seen ghosts? And so on. There may be questions about similar 30-40 psychic qualities. You have to provide your answers by ticking either yes or no. Your psychic score is prepared on the total number of ‘yeses’ or ‘nos’.
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