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Psychic Dreams
Psychic Dreams - Why do we dream?

Have you been told to take your head out of dreamland by your mother when you were younger? Well, do you know that we are actually psychics in our dreams? While dreaming, we are set free from the bonds that tie us to work or family commitments. We are released from the confining quarters of time, body and space.
Dream Interpretation
Dreams interpretation requires training, skill and psychic insight. Many of the psychics at Psychic Readings are very gifted in dream interpretation. If you would like to find out how dream interpretation and analysis works, please read our dream interpretation page.
Speak to a Psychic for Dream Interpretation
To get your Dreams interpreted simply call the number below to have a Dream Interpretation Session:
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Paranormal Dreams
Dreams have universally been seen as sometimes having prophetic content. Seeing into the future through dreams customarily has been the province of priests, shamans, or diviners. Various folklore techniques exist for inducing precognitive dreams, though most are of dubious value.
Precognitive dreams may occur once or twice in a person’s life, or not at all. Some people, especially those who exhibit psychic abilities, seem to have frequent precognitive dreams.
Precognitive dreams always have telepathic messages. Some of these dreams are about a deceased love one who communicates with you through mental telepathy because their physical body no longer exists. Having no physical body, no physical speech will transform, thus communication is only possible through telepathy. Telepathy allows you to communicate with the spirit of your deceased loved one in your dreams.
Telepathic dreams are not limited to communicating with a deceased loved one. You can have this type of a dream also with someone close to you who is still alive. You can even have this kind of a dream about a partner who sleeps beside you.
Telepathic dreams are characterized by the messages they carry from one person to another. The unspoken thoughts that are transferred through telepathy are a product of the energy that you send or receive, either consciously or unconsciously in your dreams.
Psychics believe that if you are thinking of someone before you go to bed, you will be able to dream or make him dream about you even if you are miles apart. It is even possible to have the same dream simultaneously. Such is the power of telepathy.
Since telepathy does not make use of your five senses it is referred to as using your extra sensory perception (ESP). The most common telepathic and ESP accounts are between a mother and her child. Even if they are miles apart, a mother, through telepathy, can sense if her child is in imminent danger. Telepathic situations are likened to two individuals tuning on the same radio frequency. Even if they are apart they are able to communicate through the same frequency.
Dreams are a perfect venue for telepathy. When you are asleep all your five senses – smell, taste, feel, sight and hearing are not functioning. When you are asleep, it is your sixth sense that is at work without any form of obstruction. This is when you are able to send or receive messages of unspoken thoughts.
Get into contact with one of the many psychics available for a Dream Interpretation Reading.
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