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Lucid Dreams
The psychic phenomenon known as a lucid dream is where the dreamer is aware of the fact that they are dreaming. Lucid dreams occur during REM (rapid-eye-movement) stages, and nearly everyone has at least one lucid dream in their lifetime, and very few people dream lucidly often.
Aristotle in the fourth century B.C. mentioned lucid dreaming. The earliest extant written account of a lucid dream is contained in a letter written in 415 by St. Augustine, who described the lucid dream of a Carthaginian physician, Gennadius.
Lucid dreams have been ignored by many dream researchers, or dismissed as impossible. Some researcher’s feel, however, lucid dreams hold great potential as creativity and healing tools.
There are varying degrees of lucidity in dreams.
At the lowest level of Lucidity, one awakes from a realistic dream and realizes it was a dream and not reality.
At the highest level of Lucidity, one is aware as the dream takes place and can influence its source and outcome.
The form taken by a lucid dream seems to mirror the dreamer’s mental state of mind and the dreamer may develop strong psychic energy. The initiation of awareness of dreaming can be triggered by various factors, such as the stress of the nightmare, incongruous elements, or a spontaneous recognition that the reality is different from the waking reality.
Generally, lucid dreams are characterized by bright light, intense emotions, heightened colors and images, flying or levitation, and a sense of liberation or exhilaration. Some are almost mystical in nature. Sex plays a prominent role in lucid dreams, especially for women.
The applicability of lucid dreams is controversial. Advocates believe that controlled lucid dreaming can be applied to creativity, problem solving, relationships, health, and the riddance of nightmares.
Lucidity levels
The impact of what you see and experience during the dreams depends upon the level of your awareness or lucidity. As mentioned above, the level of lucidity of a dream is, sometimes, quite high and you, therefore, remain completely unaffected by what transpires during the dream state.
A state of high awareness ensures that you remain a rather detached, objective viewer. A natural corollary of this state is that you can control the sequence of events in the dreams. You are not just carried away by whatever you see. Other times, the lucidity or awareness level may be low, which may have a corresponding impact on your perception of the reality in dreams.
Implications/Applications of lucid dreams in real life
1. According to a view, life is Maya, an illusion, a dream-- full of pleasant and painful events and situations. Once you are aware of this reality, you may try to control and regulate the sequence of events. The best way to do so is to perceive it with a high level of awareness of a detached and objective observer and, therefore, remain immune to its pleasures and pains.
2. Frustrated with recurring failures to achieve your dream goals? Create your lucid dream world and enjoy all that you have been fantasizing about in real life but could not materialize.
Savour the best of forbidden fruits without having to suffer for the consequences of your actions. Climb to Mt. Everest and just jump back to the base camp without shattering a single bone.
3. Fight and overcome your fears, re-energize yourself and regain the lost confidence by creating lucid dreams. Fake it until you make it, goes the popular axiom. After seeing a lucid dream you wake up with springs in your feet and you feel like dancing with joy.
4. Every one of us has experienced at one time or another how a nightmarish dream soaks us with sweat and we even cry and shriek with fear during sleep. We wake up with heavy heart and aching head. The memory of the bad dream continues to haunt for days and doesn’t allow us to work peacefully.
We can control such painful nightmares if we tap our ability to remain lucid and wakeful during dreams.
5. Therapeutic benefits of lucid dreaming
The importance of visualization as a powerful aid in healing process has been amply demonstrated through a host of medical studies. Most of us find it difficult to erase the memory of the dreams-whether painful or happy-from our mind for days together.
The memory of an ecstatic experience during lucid dream can go a long way in healing some of the most painful psychological/psychic problems.
6. Lucid dreaming for personal growth and development
Lucid dreaming can ignite our creativity, boost our confidence and catalyse our motivation for improving efficiency and thus help us to achieve our dream goals.
To discuss your Lucid Dream with a Qualified Psychic, please book
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