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Many people have experienced some sort of psychic phenomena during their lifetime, merely brushing it away as a mere coincidence. Many of these people may have been psychic themselves without knowing it.
Psychic phenomena are the amazing products of psychic ability and the way in which these unseen powers can manifest themselves.
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Astrology is an ancient system of divination that uses the positions of the planets, stars and moon. The celestial body exerts forces and exhibits personalities that influence people and events.
Aztec Astrology has 20-day signs. The signs can be used to describe human nature and natural events.
Aura is an energy field or it could also be called our life force.
Channeling is a trance-like state used by psychic mediums to contact spirits.
Clairaudience is the art of hearing voices, music, and sounds that are not audible to the normal ear, and may not be of physical form.
Clairvoyant is a French word. Clair means clearly and voyant means seeing. In psychic terms clairvoyance is an ability for extrasensory perception.
Clairvoyant Mediums are generally blessed with a strong intuition that can clearly envision the sequence of events that may have brought the seeker to his present predicament.
Criminology entails using psychics in the investigation of criminal crimes and court cases.
Deja Vu (Déjà vu) is the knowledge and perceiving of future events where no control can be exercised over.
Depossession is the act of exorcising attached discarnate human spirits and nonhuman spirits allegedly attached to living people, causing a host of physical, mental and emotional ills.
Psychic Development For a Psychic Beginner, Psychic Development is where you will learn different ways of how you develop your psychic powers and abilities.
Empathy is the art of tuning in on an intuitive or psychic level to the emotions, moods, and attitudes of a person.
ESP , or the Sixth Sense, in which sensory perception information is perceived through means beyond the five senses.
Feng Shui teaches us to arrange our place or the space in respect of wind and water so as to restore the right connection, harmony and balance with nature.
Fortune Telling is the same as having a psychic reading. It is all part of the great art of divination.
Ghost is the term used to describe the spirit of a person who has died.
Graphology is an intuitive psychic reading through the medium of a person's writing.
Halo is a ring or circle of radiant light, which in art crowns the head of deities, holy beings, and saints.
Intuition means the ability or an insight to instantly understand a situation in all its dimensions without any conscious effort.
Lucid Dreams occur when the dreamer is aware of the fact that they are dreaming.
Metaphysics means studying what defies the preconceived laws of physics or nature.
Mysticism is often described as a direct experience of God or a union with God.
Near Death Experiences in some cases, patients claimed that they then come out into the light, seeing their own body from a distance and observe that they have another body.
New Age represents a movement or wave of new ideas, based upon one’s own experiences, acceptance of the old ones with new rationale, or as reactions to the traditional beliefs and practice.
Numerology is the ancient study of your 'numbers' and how they influence your character and the events that will take place during your life.
The Occult is now explained as beliefs and practices that are beyond the understanding of ordinary people.
Omens of Jupiter Jupiter is considered as the ‘Prince of Light’, 'Jupiter Optimus Maximus', and the 'Shepherd of the Stars'. Jupiter could see and provide omens to indicate the future through the flight of birds.
Omens of Saturn Saturn is the star of the sun. Its position and its movement around the sun send significant messages in the form of omens.
Ouija Board is a polished board with letters of alphabet inscribed upon it together with the words YES and NO.
Out of Body Experiences happen spontaneously and vary from person to person and many people who have had the experience actually see their body from another point in space.
Palmistry is the art of studying the formation of the total hand including the formation of fingers, their characteristics, finger nails, finger prints or impressions, thumb, skin texture, colour, the shape, hardness and flexibility (dermatoglyphics), and above all the lines or creases on the palm of the hand.
Paranormal phenomenon is one that is beyond the normal experience and understanding of an ordinary man.
Parapsychology is the study and research in the scientific basis of the various aspects of the psychic phenomena such as the metaphysical, the psi or the psychic, the divination, world of spirits..
Phrenology is reading someone based on the persons physical abnormalities.
Physiognomy is the art and science of reading character from the facial and bodily form.
Predictions - A prediction is similar to a Precognition, but it differs in the fact that the information gathered is obtained through the divine psychic powers of inspiration, psychic gifts, sign reading, or the altering of consciousness, and they concern the individual.
Precognition is the knowledge of the future, and is able to see things that may happen through special ways.
Premonition is a temporary state of mind that is usually associated with traumatic events such as accidents, or deaths and is usually caused by anxiety, unease, and a gut-level feeling which induces an apprehension of a probable future event.
Prophecy is a divinely inspired vision of great events to happen, which are so important that they have turned thousands and thousands of people to follow them.
PSI is the twenty third letter of the Greek Alphabet, and is used in parapsychology to include extra sensory perception and psycho kinesis.
Psychics refer to the subject of study and practice of extra sensory abilities. In fact these abilities are not just ‘extra sensory’ in the mundane sense of the words.
Psychic Gifts can surface up any time, anywhere and for any reason. The best way to nurture these gifts is to start simply thinking about them. Keep practicing these psychic gifts by using tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls and many more.
Psychic Mediums can convince any skeptic beyond doubt about the existence of the spirits and also his own skill in contacting them. The spirits, in some cases, reveal intimate information about the client seekers, which is known only to them.
Psychic Network is a kind of dynamic and interactive community or a circle of people interested in the subject of psychics. The participants have various degrees of psychic abilities and achievements.
Psychic Paramount featuring guitarist and bassist Drew St. Ivany and Ben Armstrong attempts to map the unconscious and blends the melancholy and metaphysical anxiety into a psychedelic rock.
Psychic Spells are magical incantations that makes another person think and act the way you like. Psychic spells may act positively or negatively.
Psychic Visions are not dreams but premonitions that in the near future translate into reality.
Psychokinesis is a hybrid word derived from the Greek words representing mind and motion.
Psychometry is the art of getting impressions or visions from a piece of jewelry or object by simply touching or holding it in your hand, and it is usually used in training spiritual and psychic groups.
Reincarnation is the process of the soul or essence returning to inhabit a physical form after death.
Retrocognition is the art of seeing or sensing the past. Retrocognition occurs at spontaneous times, but very uncommonly during the course of daily life, dreams, and parapsychology experiments.
Runes has its root from an ancient Anglo-Saxon word that meant 'secret' or 'mystery'.
Scrying is a method of divination done by gazing into a crystal ball or mirror until clairvoyant visions are seen on the surface of the minds eye.
Spirit Guides are a non physical entity that is usually seen as the Higher Self, an angel, a highly evolved being or group mind, or a spirit of the dead.
Spiritualist Medium is a person who can connect him or herself with the spirits, spirit guides, ghosts, and angels. Usually the spiritualist medium inherits this ability to connect and communicate with the spirits from his or her parents and grandparents.
Tarot is an ancient form of divination. Tarot means wheel of life. It is a representation or an image of the universe. Tarot is like ordinary playing cards but consists of usually 72 cards.
Tea Leaf Reading is one of the simplest ways of foretelling the future and anyone can learn to master the talent, providing they have the necessary patience.
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